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Safety Assessment Program (SAP)  

Mission Statement:

The Safety Assessment Program supports a nation-wide network of architects who help communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters.


Services and Programs:

SAP supports the following services and programs to assist communities after a disaster and provide training during the spring and fall of each year:

  • Safety assessment program training: Based on the State of California’s Cal OES training program, the AIA Safety Assessment Program (SAP) Training educates architects, engineers, and building inspectors to evaluate the post-disaster safety and habitability of homes, buildings, and infrastructure as a Building Evaluator. There will be SAP Training on September 24, 2024 in Lawrence, Kansas.  

  • Post-disaster safety evaluations: Trained architects augment municipal building safety evaluators post-disaster to assess the safety and habitability of homes, buildings, and infrastructure; significantly reducing the need for temporary shelters and services and mitigating future public safety dangers such as failing hazards, exposure to mold, and overcrowding of emergency shelters.


The Kansas Team Activation Guidelines and Procedures Manual is currently under revision.  Contact AIA Kansas for more information.

Association of State Floodplain Managers (OSFPM) Flood Mitigation Strategies/Resources




In Person Safety Assessment Program (SAP) Training - Cal OES Certification

6.5 LU/HSWs

Training Details


Tuesday, September 24th


at TreanhorHL in 

Lawrence, Kansas




Cost: $150 (includes light breakfast and lunch)


Order ATC Manuals (ATC45 & ATC20


This program provides

6.5 HSW/LU credits




In the event of an emergency, please contact all five of the individuals listed below to request certified volunteers:​


Dave Schaecher, Kansas Disaster Assistance Coordinator


Will Robarge, AIA National Disaster Assistance Committee Member and Trainer


Terry Humphrey, Executive Director, AIA Kansas


Leslie Alford, Communications Point of Contact, AIA Kansas


Image by John Middelkoop

Architects can now be requested anywhere in the country (including U.S. territories) through EMAC.

Inclusion in NIMS increases visibility, creates awareness of architect’s skills, and advances the profession as a useful asset in times of trouble.


Architects can qualify to serve as:

  • Evaluators

  • Strike Team Leaders

  • Technical Supervisors

  • Complex Architectural System Condition Evaluators

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